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Allopathy Diagnosis

Allopathy Diagnosis
With the development and new researchers in this therapy, the physicians also changed they're regarding the causes and treatment of diseases. In the past, it was believed that diseases were due to divine displeasures, magic spells or the result of one's misdeeds. Some 450 years before Christ, Epindocleas opined that everything in this world was made up of the earth, air, fire and water. Elkemian asserted that these four elements have definite nature of their own. Hippocrates had observed some 500 years Christ that health amongst human beings depends on blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile. Diseases are the products of imbalances in them. Hippocrates found that the same diseases had the different effect on different people. He deduced from the above fact that the body possessed inherent power to resist diseases. He laid down the principle, "It is the responsibility of the physician to help the people to find the normal balance in their body. For this, a balanced diet is a must."

Later on, another thinker Herasistrasan dissected dozens of bodies to prove that different symptoms are produced in different parts of the body due to various diseases. After him, Gallen said that diseases are the outcomes of a decrease in the life force of the body. These thoughts formed the basis of treatment during middle ages. Later on, Peraselsus propounded another theory and asserted that imbalances in the mercury, sulphur and special salts in the body caused diseases. During the seventeenth century, a lot of progress was made in chemical sciences. As per the knowledge gained in this period, Silvius claimed that illness is caused by the elements produced during digestion by the chemical process. If more acid collects in the body, a particular disease will be the result. If alkaline is more another disease will get hold of the body. Some European thinkers determined by the relation of heat with diseases. Many believed that disease is caused by disturbances and hindrances in the nervous activity. It was only Sydenham who for the first time, correctly argued that a disease is the only sign of the struggle that the body wages against external infection.
Professor Giovanni Batista Morgarginni, who was working in Italy’s Padua Medical College dissected hundreds of dead bodies. In his famous book On the Seat and The causes of Diseases, he has claimed that the disease can be due to infection or imbalances in any part of the body. This reasoning was the most acclaimed in the medical field and still holds good. Mogarginni argued that one or many parts of the body may be affected at the same time by a disease. It can also affect the body in any manner.
This reasoning was further developed by the famous French physician Bishat who said that diseases may affect only a small portion of any part of the human body. It can affect even a muscle or a tissue.
Rudolf Vitov of Germany said that the cells are the most important unit of the human body. As such, the diseases would primarily affect cells. When the microscopes were invented, the scientist found that small living organism were present on human skin. Louis Pasteur of France proved that small germs were present in the secretions during childbirth of some women. Soon after, The German scientist Robert Katsch proved that many diseases are caused by small bacteria. He also explained how diseases are spread by contact. It proved to be a revolutionary concept in the treatment of diseases. The entire concept of diseases and their treatment changed dynamically.
Later discoveries proved that some diseases are caused by the shortage or excess of food intake, irregularities in the working of glands in the body, shortage or excess of nutritive elements in the food, disorders of the blood, and many unknown inherited or family defects. Diseases may be caused by internal changes or tension.

Hippocrates used to come to the conclusion regarding the disease after the examination of patients and obtaining details from them. He used to form his opinion after examining the pulse, color of urine, stools and spittle. He also listened to the heartbeats. Though there had been thousands of changes in the medical sciences from that time, physicians still continue to examine a patient in the above manner to reach any conclusion. Many sensitive instruments have been invented to hear the faintest sounds of the chest, stomach, intestines, back, muscles and the heart and analyze their functioning. The activities of these parts of the body can be seen on the television screen. Graphs can be made on paper. It is now possible to count the minute elements present in stools, urine, spittle, phlegm, blood and semen while examining them in the laboratories. The species of the bacteria and their location can be now easily ascertained. It is then easy to determine the medicine that would be effective against them. Special instruments now can record the electric currents of the brain, heart beats, expansion and contraction of muscles and internal condition of a human body without resort to surgery or dissection. Allopathy has left behind all other therapies far behind as far as surgery is concerned. Defects in heart, brain and other delicate parts of the body are not only corrected by surgery, it is now possible to transplant many organs for the old and diseased parts. If detected in time, life can be saved from many dreaded diseases that were supposed to be incurable in the past. Alternative arrangements for the circulation of blood can be done if any obstacle or hindrance is found in its flow. Later rays are being used for operation in many cases. Stones can be removed without operation. They are crushed by sound waves.

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