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Moms, Here's How Your Baby Get Used To Nap

Within a day, at least the baby takes 14 to 18 hours of sleep. And naps included. Although only be done in a short time, nap proved to have many benefits for your baby. So, it is advisable to familiarize a nap. Napping can support growth, physical and mental development, maintaining the freshness and overall body health. Nap time baby needs vary, depending on age and condition.

For a newborn, their days will be spent only for sleeping. They could sleep and wake up throughout the day. Waking time is only about 1 to 3 hours for drinking milk. After that, they could sleep again. At this age, you can not determine the pattern of their nap. So, let them sleep according to their needs. However, when it is 1.5 to 2 months old, sleep patterns may have already started to clear. They no longer spends their time just to sleep. Babies at this age, may need a nap 2 to 4 times, or even more each day.

Entering the age of 3 to 4 months, you can begin to accustom them to nap. Babies that age already have a nap patterns that can be predicted. Most babies usually nap as much as 2 to 3 times daily with a duration of a half to 2 hours. While in the evening, the baby sleeps about 9 to 12 hours, usually including getting up to drink the milk.

At the age of 6 months, your baby may be able to take naps 2 to 3 times per day, during the morning, afternoon and evening. However, at the age of 9 to 12 months, their nap needs began to drop to 2 times a day.

Even so, not all babies have a sleep pattern like this. Pattern above is a picture of the needs of sleep experienced by most babies in general. To familiarize your baby naps, you can do some of the following tips:
  • Recognize the signs when they are sleepy: If Little had started yawning, rubbing their eyes, fussing, crying, or hyperactive, it could be a sign they are getting sleepy. Notice at any hour they began to show signs of it. And monitor for a week or two weeks. This can makes it easy to enforce hour nap for them. If after a few days they did not look sleepy at bedtime afternoon, do not let them awake for granted. Keep to familiarize and invite them to take a nap.

  • Teach them to sleep by itself: When you see the signs they are sleepy, immediately put them on the bed. It can teach them to sleep on their own.

  • Sleeping at the same hour and place: It is advisable to remain consistent when asked them nap. Make sure their nap time, at the same hour every day. Impose naps in different time every day, can make a baby difficult to get used to a nap. Avoid doing activities with them at nap time.
  • Stay enforce a nap while traveling: Neither the place, make sure you put it in the bed that they used to sleep in the evening. This can make it felt was sleeping at night. Make sure there are no dolls or toys anything around their bed at nap time.

In order for your baby's naps are better qualified, make sure the condition of their room is comfortable, such as cold temperatures, not noisy and dark. During their sleep, there are some things you need to consider, such as when they fell asleep in a baby seat in the car, do not wake them. Let them sleep there, but not in a long time. Moving it to bed, without waking them up, is recommended.

Here's the benefits of naps for your baby/kids

Maintaining health: sleep time required by the baby or child, to return the force to use them during the activity when awakened. Their energy needs are huge, because the growth period and their activeness. Deep sleep, is the right time for a child's body to rest and restore their energy and freshness.

Reduce pain: If your child is experiencing pain, including dental pain, or because of a sprain, getting enough sleep is believed to reduce the intensity of pain experienced, unfortunately if your child is ill, they are more likely fussy and difficult to sleep.

Keeping the mood: Children who experience lack of sleep tend to be fussy, anxious, and less interested in the surroundings. In addition to causing fatigue, lack of sleep also can cause mood is not good.

Stimulating growth: A study conducted by Harvard University Medical School showed that toddlers who get enough sleep tend to have a more optimal body growth than the less of sleep.

Improving the ability to process information: According to a study conducted at the University of Arizona, toddlers are getting enough sleep have a higher capacity in terms of process information and apply knowledge. When they get enough sleep, the body becomes more fit, and able to process information received optimally.

The time for the body to rest: The days of the child is filled with activities and adventure that involves not only muscles but also the brain, and organs in his body. When they fall asleep is when the rest of the body in all its parts so that when bagun he became more refreshed and ready to indulge back.

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