The Right Time For Pregnant Women To Do Long Trip
Week 14 to 28 of pregnancy, generally can be the best time to travel far for pregnant women. In general, the first twelve weeks and after the 36th week of pregnancy, pregnant women are advised not to travel a long distance. In early pregnancy, in addition to the risk of miscarriage is high, most pregnant women often feel nauseous and tired easily. The risk of miscarriage increased again towards the end of the pregnancy period.
Preparation to travel for pregnant women
With the right preparation, traveling while pregnant be safe activity. Here is a guide that can be followed:
- Before leaving, be sure to consult a doctor first, to ensure your pregnancy is healthy enough to travel.
- In addition to medicine or vitamins, do not forget to bring your pregnancy medical book record, so it can be a reference in case of emergencies while on the trip.
- Find information on the location of the doctor or the nearest maternity hospital at your destination.
- Make sure where you're going to have environmental, food, and drinks are healthy, safe and hygienic for pregnant women.
- Advised not to travel to areas with high disease or infections such as malaria.

Here are some things that should be a concern if you are pregnant women who will be traveling by plane:
- When booking a seat, make sure the seat position you choose is really convenient. It is advisable to choose a seat near the aisle, to facilitate moving out, going to the toilet, or ask for help flight attendants.
- Check the policy of the airline that you will use, about passengers who are pregnant. Each airline has its own policy related to gestational age passengers are allowed to travel. It is also determined by the distance of your destination. Some airlines prohibit passengers with a gestational age of 37 weeks to fly. Meanwhile, if you are carrying twins, 34 weeks gestation generally advised not to board the plane.
- It is advisable to consume plenty of water. The best conditions with low humidity, can lead to dehydration.
- It is advisable to move the limbs every 30 minutes, to facilitate the circulation of blood.
- Decrease in air pressure during flight may slightly reduce oxygen levels in the blood. In addition, more than five hours of flying too risky to make pregnant women suffer from blood clots. With a lot of moving, the blood flow will be smoother.
- To prevent swelling of feet, you can close your legs with leggings or stockings.
- Unless you are constantly traveling by air, radiation exposure in high-flying aircraft are relatively harmless for pregnant women.
- Make sure your seat belt is attached at the bottom of the stomach to reduce the risk of turbulence.
It is suggested you should not travel by plane, if it is within the following conditions:
- Your baby at risk of premature birth.
- There was a problem with the placenta of your womb.
- You have reached the gestational age of 36 weeks.
- Based on the specific medical history, doctors advise you not to travel by plane.
Travelling by car
Here are some guidelines if you are a pregnant woman who is planning to travel long distances by car:
- Avoid driving alone for long distances. It is advisable to go with friends or your partner.
- Wear a seat belt with upper straps crossed at the position between the breast and the ropes holding down the pelvic bone to reduce the shock.
- Keep the air circulation inside the car remains smooth.
- Drinking enough water and eat healthy snacks such as nuts and fruits to prevent drowsiness and fatigue.
- To reduce pressure on the bladder as well as improving blood circulation in the feet, try to get down from the vehicle at least every two hours. Pee and walk during the breaks can help reduce these pressures.
- Prepare necessities such as plastic bags or eucalyptus oil to cope if you experience nausea during the trip. This condition is generally prone to occur in the first trimester.
- Bring gear that makes you feel comfortable to sit in the car, such as pillows and jackets.
Travelling by sea transport
Check the policy of sea transportation service providers which already have legislation on the protection of pregnant women. Some companies establish rules for not carrying passengers at a certain gestational age. Find out if the sea transport providing medical services for traveling, especially for pregnant women.
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