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(7) These Foods Can Reduce Hair Loss

Everyone has experienced hair loss. Usually, it is seen in the bath, when using a hair dryer machine, or when combed. Do not worry, it's normal. Francesca Fusco, MD, a dermatologist in New York City said, on average, we lose fifty to a hundred hairs a day, and there will be a new hair will grow to replace it. But hair loss may also be a symptom of a more serious medical conditions that need evaluation by a dermatologist and possible treatment. Hair loss can occur due to various factors, ranging from stress, lack of sleep, lack of vitamins, to diabetes. There is research that says changes in diet can help this problem.

Causes of hair loss

On average, the scalp has about 100,000 strands of hair, and every day, on average 50-100 hairs will fall out. It is still within normal limits. If the hair loss is more than that, you should be wary. This is the most common cause of hair loss.
  • Protein deficiency: One of the reasons why we had to meet the need of protein each day, which is necessary in the formation of hair. Protein deficiency can make hair stop growing, loss, and even change color. Consumption of protein from a variety of sources, not just bacon and eggs. We also require proteins derived from plants, such as beans.

  • Iron deficiency: For people who have a vegetarian diet, or limit the intake of meat, iron deficiency is often experienced. This condition affects the body, including causing hair loss. Although the market sold an iron supplement, you should not carelessly taking them before consulting a doctor. Better to choose food sources of iron such as soy, spinach, beans, and so on.

  • Stress: Dealing with situations that create stress, such as losing a job, have a particular disease, or death of a loved one, could be one of the triggers of hair problems. Even so, the condition is usually not permanent. Hair will grow back after you can control the situation.
  • Giving birth: Every mother realize that their body undergoes many changes during pregnancy. Including the change in a more supple skin and hair look shiny and strong. After birth, the condition of the hair will return to its original phase. This loss phase lasts at once, and many so often panic. When in fact, strands of hair falling out, it is already falling out in 9 months of pregnancy. Unfortunately, there is no effective solution to this situation. In time, the hair will grow back.

  • Thyroid Disorders: Thyroid hormones are responsible regulate important body functions, such as the menstrual cycle, heart rate, and body temperature. There is a problem with this vital gland can affect many aspects of the body, including the hair. Thyroid hormones are overactive or inactive can cause hair loss. Immediately consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of thyroid disease as well as hair loss.

7 foods that can reduce hair loss

  1. Nuts and seeds: In one study, subjects with hair loss problems are examined get nutritional supplements containing omega-3, omega-6, as well as antioxidants for six months. The result is positive, with 90% of subjects experienced a reduction in hair loss, 86% reported an increase in hair growth, and 87% have thicker hair. And it turns out, to get the maximum results, intake of nuts and seeds are high in omega-3 and omega-6 are also needed, such as walnuts, sunflower, sesame.

  2. Spinach: Research has also shown that a person who experience hair loss, have iron and vitamin D2 which is lower than the level of actual needs. Spinach is a rich intake of iron and vitamin C, which helps the absorption of iron. Spinach can be eaten with boiled and added to salads, and more.

  3. Seaweed: A recent study found that supplements containing Cistanche tubulosa (desert plants used in traditional Chinese medicine) and laminaria japonica (edible seaweed), can promote hair growth. The subject of research taking supplements for 16 weeks experienced a 27% increase in hair thickness. Supplements that contain also able to treat inflammation of the scalp and dandruff.

  4. Salmon: Hair, just like the nail, which must be met protein requirements. That is, we have to eat protein to promote hair growth as well as maintaining the strength of the hair roots. Protein is also needed to produce keratin, the main structural component of hair. One of the protein-rich foods such as salmon, which has been proven to improve hair health because they contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins.

  5. Honey: Honey can improve the look of the thin hair. In the study, patients who experience hair problems, including scaling, itching, and hair loss, in which they apply the honey is 90% water and 10% as a solution, which is used on the scalp every day for 4 weeks and the results are hair loss significantly reduced.

  6. Oysters: Oysters become proper intake also in addressing the problem of hair loss. The content of zinc in it becomes essential nutrients to prevent and treat hair loss. According to the National Institutes of Health, oysters, containing zinc, and some other foods that have zinc are walnuts, spinach, eggs, sunflower seeds, green beans, wheat, oatmeal, and beans.

  7. Coconut oil: Coconut oil, pumpkin seed oil, and rosemary oil have been studied to reduce hair loss. Pumpkin seed oil 400mg per day for 24 weeks will deliver real results. Increased hair growth will occur up to 40%. In fact, without taking them, coconut oil is applied to the hair, the hair shown to protect against the loss of protein and oil of rosemary can improve hair growth.

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