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Lazy Using Sandals while walking above the ground Can Increase the risk of this disease

You tend to be lazy to walk using slippers outside the home? The elephant foot disease epidemic in Uganda this will probably make you re-think for doing so. Unlike the elephant foot disease generally caused by filarial worms spread by mosquito bites, epidemic disease called podoconiosis as is caused by the habit of Ugandan society walk above the ground without the use of footwear. How does this happen?

Actually, this outbreak occurred in Uganda by 2015. Because of the many communities suffering from podoconiosis, then the local government, the World Health Organization WHO, and also researchers from Makarere University directly doing research to find out the cause of this epidemic firsthand while seeing the health condition of the patient. One of the doctors from the Ministry of health of Uganda, Dr. Christine Kihembo, found many peculiarities on the condition the patient elephant walk from Kamwenge. Not only experienced swelling in his feet, two his testicles also enlarged. This doesn't happen on the elephant's foot sufferers caused by filarial worms.

Having examined in depth, health experts concluded that the habit of walking on the ground barefoot was the one that triggers the disease. After doing research on the elephant's foot patient data since 1980, it is known that there is no infection filarial worm so it is certain that they are exposed to penyakti podoconiosis.
When we run barefoot on the ground which are rich in alkali content, then Crystal ultrafine alkaline and sharp it can cause itching. When Crystal, this alkaline carded thus will progressively enter into the body. White blood cells soon attacked the content of alkali crystals and trigger inflammation and swelling in the legs.

Indeed, this disease may not necessarily be able to emerge in Indonesia, however, it's good indeed we always use footwear while walking above the ground so that the foot is more secure and avoid viewing from a wide range of diseases.

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