Natural Acne Scar Treatment
Natural Acne Scar Treatment. Are you already tired of looking at the mirror and you can’t help but see those acne scars? Are you always conscious about your face whenever someone looks at you really close? Do you want to get rid of those scars and feel confident wherever you are?
You’ve already heard about different promising methods to get rid of the acne scars. You already want to try them but the thing is that you don’t really want them. Whenever you hear about lasers, surgery and medications, it just makes your head spin. You want to get rid of those acne scars and you want methods that won’t sound too complicated and too costly.

Natural Acne Scar Treatment
You might have also heard about natural acne scar treatment. It’s not costly and it’s not complicated. You can do it even inside your home. You might need to do some grocery shopping but that’s the most complicated thing you’re going to do. If you’re lucky, you might even find the things you need right now inside your home. This way you can try the natural methods right after reading this and you will know immediately if they are for you and if they are effective.
Ice can do the trick
Get some ice cubes and rub them on your face for several minutes. Immediately you can see how the scars got lighter and less noticeable. The ice cubes will reduce the swelling and the irritation. They can also help in reducing the size of the pores that make the scars look worse.
Note: Icing down your scars works best while the acne inflammation is still showing. Once you get deep pits this process will not work as well. Also be careful not to leave the ice on longer than 15 minutes as it could potentially burn your skin.
If you want to make sure that the ice cubes are doing their work, you should take a good picture of you before and after the procedure. Several pictures of you at different angles should be taken so that you will know for sure that the ice cubes really worked.
It’s important that you know exactly how you look before and after using the ice cubes. This way you’ll be certain that you’re not just dreaming or you’re not kidding yourself. If you’re trying a method, you should make sure whether it’s effective or not and the best way to do that is to look for a clear comparison.
Lemon juice for the skin
Another natural acne scar treatment you can try right now is applying lemon juice to the affected areas. First you should wash your scars with warm water. You can just squeeze a lemon and partially dip a cotton ball in the juice. Apply it to the scars and leave it for about 10 minutes and then wash it off.
You might need to do this a few two to three times in one week before you can notice the results. You should be careful with this though even if it’s only lemon juice. You should apply it slowly on the scars. If you do it fast and harsh, it will not be very good for your skin. It can make the scars look worse if you overdo this.
It’s easy to know if you’re already overdoing it. If your face already feels the sting, it’s time for you to stop and rinse. You don’t need to feel the sting to make sure that it’s working. Your skin especially at your face is sensitive. You just use the lemon juice lightly and slowly. Keep this out of your EYES!
The use of baking soda as exfoliating agent
In addition to ice cubes and lemon juice, another natural acne scar treatment you can try at home is about using baking soda. Baking soda is a mild exfoliating agent. It can get rid of the top dead skin cells and make your acne scars appear lighter. If you don’t have it at your home, it’s readily available in grocery stores.
To use it on your face, just add a teaspoon of baking soda on two teaspoons or more of water to make a paste. You can add more water but make sure it looks like a paste so that you can apply it on your face. While it’s mild you should still take it slowly and look at the reaction of your skin.
Other types of are available and can be found at the drugstore but the three mentioned are easy home remedies. You can just head on to your kitchen and get what you need. Don’t forget to take pictures of you before and after. Make the comparison and see for yourself whether the natural acne scar treatments are effective or not. Just be careful with what you do and with what you put on your skin so that you will always have a smooth skin and prevent more acne scars from appearing.
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