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Medicinal Properties of Vegetables

Medicinal Properties of Vegetables 

Migraine pain is eradicated if paste of garlic is applied on the forehead. It one is stung by a scorpion; the paste of garlic should be applied at that place. It will counter the effect of the poison of a scorpion sting. If juice of half a kilo of carrots is taken daily, the worms of the stomach are finished. For increasing the power of the brain, one should take seven almonds followed by 100 grams of carrot juice with the kilo of milk.

For throat trouble or ulcers inside the throat, one should gargle with a mixture of juice of radishes and water in equal parts. A pinch of rock salt should be added to this mixture. The throat will be alright in three days. Patients suffering from Leucoderma (white Patches) should rub the affected parts of the body with bathua, a vegetable that grows profusely in fields. If this vegetable is taken with bread for three months, the white patches disappear. The facial marks and blemishes as also the black shadows under the eyes are removed if mint paste mixed with alcohol is applied regularly on them.

Vegetable Benefits for Health

The medicinal qualities of many condiments and species are also put to use in vegetable-therapy. If a piece of rock salt is sucked, it minimizes a cough and also helps in expectoration. If the rock salt is grinned and applied as kohl to the eyes, it relieves irritation, cataract and dimness of vision. Most of the ailments of the throat are cured by gargling with rock salt in warm water. If salt is added to bath water it helps in removing the weakness of nerves. In cases of a headache, one should lick powdered salt and then take water. It gives immediate relief. If ginger is added to tea, it prevents cold and cough. Eating of ginger with salt is beneficial in cases of laryngitis. It is also beneficial in cases of gas and constipation. Turmeric powder stops the flow of blood rapidly. It is also useful as an antiseptic. Its powder is sprinkled over a cleaned wound. If the injury is internal or there is swelling, taking of turmeric powder in milk is very beneficial. The worms in the stomach are killed if a pinch of turmeric powder is taken in the lukewarm water. This treatment should be done for three continuous days for a complete cure

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