15 Health Tips for Everyone
Well, this article is about to dedicate you to a healthy lifestyle with these food, nutrition and exercise tips.

1. Eat Breakfast
There is no better way to start your day than with a healthy breakfast. Which include lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Also, try oatmeal cooked with low-fat milk, sliced almonds and berries, or top a toaster waffle with low-fat yogurt and fruit.
2. Eat both Fruits and Vegetable in Your Plate
Vegetable and Fruits add color, flavour and texture plus Vitamins, minerals and fiber to your food plate. Make some percent of fruit and vegetable in your daily goal. Don't let money stop you from enjoying the produce. And, the Frozen and canned are great alternatives
3. Look Over Portion Size
Took a watch over the proper portion size to the recommended serving size. Use half of your plate with fruits and vegetable and the other half for grains and lean meat, poultry, seafood or beans.
For a complete meal, add a glass of fat-free or low-fat milk or a serving of fat-free yogurt for dessert.
4. Be Physically Active
Regular physical activity lowers blood pressure and helps your body control stress and weight. You can start by doing exercise you can for at least 10-20 minutes in a day, for children increase your time to 60 minutes. Later on increase your time with the compatibility of your body.
5. Eat Healthy Snacks
It can sustain your energy levels between meals.Choose from two or more of the MyPlate food groups: whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat or fat-free dairy, lean protein or nuts. Try low-fat yogurt with fruit or a small portion of nuts with an apple or banana
6. Know About Food labels
Ever wonder what the numbers in the Nutrition Facts panel really mean? Or, the difference between “reduced fat” and “low fat”? The Food and Drug Administration has strict guidelines on how food label terms can be used.
7. Consult an RD
Whether you want to lose weight, lower your cholesterol or simply eat better, consult the experts! Registered dietitians can help you by providing sound, easy-to-follow personalized nutrition advice and put you on the path to losing weight, eating well and reducing your risk of chronic disease.
8. Follow Food Safety Guidelines
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that roughly one in six Americans gets sick from the foodborne disease each year. Reduce your chances of getting sick by practicing proper hand washing. Separate raw meat, poultry, and seafood from ready-to-eat foods like bread and vegetables. Use a food thermometer to make sure the food is properly cooked. Refrigerate food quickly at a proper temperature to slow bacteria growth.
9. Get Cooking
Cooking at home can be healthy, rewarding and cost-effective. Resolve to learn some cooking and kitchen basics, like how to dice an onion or how to store herbs and spices.
10. Dine Out without Ditching Your Goals
You can dine at a restaurant and stick to your healthy eating plan! The key is to plan ahead, ask questions and choose foods carefully. Think about nutritious items you can add to your plate—fruits, veggies, lean meat, poultry or fish—and look for grilled, baked, broiled or steamed items.
11. Enact Family Meal Time
Set a regular mealtime. Turn off the TV, phones, and other electronic devices to encourage mealtime talk. Get kids involved in meal planning and cooking and use this time to teach them about good nutrition.
12. Banish Brown Bag Boredom
Whether it’s a brown bag lunch for work or school, make it a healthy lunch packed with nutrition. Prevent brown bag boredom with easy-to-fix, healthy lunch ideas. Try whole-wheat couscous with chick peas; whole-wheat tortilla filled with chicken, mushrooms, onions and tomatoes; baked potato topped with broccoli, low-fat cheese and salsa; or spinach salad with sliced pear, red onion and low-fat feta cheese.
13. Drink More Water
Drink water instead of sugary drinks and let thirst be your guide. A healthy body can balance water needs throughout the day. Drink plenty of water if you are active, live or work in hot conditions, or are an older adult.
14. Explore New Foods and Flavors
Add more nutrition and eating pleasure by expanding your range of food choices. When shopping, make a point of selecting a fruit, vegetable or whole grain that’s new to you or your family. Try different versions of familiar foods like blue potatoes, red leaf lettuce or basmati rice.
15. Eat Seafood Twice a Week
Seafood—fish and shellfish—contains a range of nutrients including healthy omega-3 fats. Salmon, trout, oysters and sardines
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