First Treatment On Sprained Ankle
Sprained ankle is one of the most common injuries in sports. Most foot sprain occurs when the foot abruptly turns inward (inversion) or outside (eversion) when you walk, stumble, fall, or touch the ground after a jump. Wrist and elbow, also can dislocate due to lifting heavy objects in a way that is not true or prolonged repetitive movement of the muscles and tendons.
Symptoms of a sprained ankle may include pain, swelling, bruising, cold or numbness in the legs, inability to walk or bear weight on the joints and stiffness. The severity of ankle sprain depends on how badly the ligaments are stretched or torn. If a mild sprain, there may be no pain or swelling and ligaments can still be stretched. If the sprain is severe, one of the ligaments, more may be torn or very swollen. Severe sprains can also be very painful.
Some other supporting tests could be undertaken to check the area sprain, such as X-ray, ultrasound, or MRI scan. X-ray is recommended in patients aged over 55 years, and had never suffered a knee injury, so has the risk of fractures is greater. In severe cases or rare, the diagnosis can be obtained simultaneously with handling through a surgical procedure. Surgery, can help detect an unknown torn ligament when the injury occurred.

Sprained ankle diagnosis & first treatment
To get a proper diagnosis, the doctor will ask you a few questions at the beginning of the examination. The doctor will ask questions about the activities you did before sprain, what kind of treatment that has been done, while checking instability in the joint. Joint conditions can indicate the severity of the sprain suffered. The doctor will check by observing the infected area and ask you to try to move or put a strain on the area.Some other supporting tests could be undertaken to check the area sprain, such as X-ray, ultrasound, or MRI scan. X-ray is recommended in patients aged over 55 years, and had never suffered a knee injury, so has the risk of fractures is greater. In severe cases or rare, the diagnosis can be obtained simultaneously with handling through a surgical procedure. Surgery, can help detect an unknown torn ligament when the injury occurred.
A sprained ankle, is divided into three levels, namely mild, moderate, and severe. Fortunately, an mild and moderate ankle sprain, can be cured by itself. To speed healing, you can do the following things:
As mentioned above, sprains can heal by itself. But if the sore foot does not heal within two or three days, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately. Especially if pain or swelling gets worse, there is an open wound, there are signs of infection, and you can not stand at all.
- Protect sprained ankle so the injury is not sustainable, for example, wrapping the leg with a bandage.
- Rest the ankle joint for 2-3 days, but that does not mean you can not move at all. Despite sprains, you can still exercise, for example by training the arms and the legs are not sprain using a stationary bike. It is advisable not to run or jump, until you can walk without feeling pain. In addition, do not force the ankle to keep moving and do not walk too far or for long. Better stand up and walk around the house a short distance, while using crutches.
- Compress the sprained ankle with ice water. The goal is, limit swelling from spreading as well as relieve. In addition, the ice also helps reduce pain. Use a cold compress on the injured area as soon as possible for 15 to 20 minutes, 4-8 times a day. This is done for the first 48 hours or until the swelling deflated. If you use ice cubes, not to be applied directly to the skin. Other than that, not too long put ice on the skin because it can cause tissue damage.
- Wrap the sprained ankle with an elastic bandage or neoprene (synthetic rubber) for at least 48 hours (can be less or more). The point is to limit swelling and help the joints to rest. Do not bandage the ankle too tight, because it can restrict blood flow to the legs. If the toes change color, tingling, or felt numb, immediately open the bandage.
- Lift sprained ankle to the height of the heart, for 2-3 hours a day if possible. It aims to help limit and reduce swelling and bruising. The trick is, lie down on a couch or bed and put the foot on the pile some pillows. If not possible, the foot can be lifted at hip level when sitting in a chair. Keep in mind, so as not to use bandages when the foot is raised. Because bandages can restrict blood flow to the legs.
- You can use painkillers and anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, or aspirin after a meal. But not too often consume this drug, unless prescribed by a doctor.
- Within 72 hours after the sprain, it is recommended not to shower with hot water, saunas, consumption of alcohol, running, or massaging the ankle sprain. It is feared that if these things can increase bleeding and swelling, inhibits the healing process and cause further damage.
- Perform stretching exercise if your doctor recommends.
Sprained prevention
Multiply controlled physical exercise, to train the muscle strength around the ankle will reduce the risk of sprains or recurrence of injury to the area ever experienced a sprain. The recommended exercises are exercises that increase strength and flexibility, particularly the ankle muscles. Do not forget to warm up and cool during physical activity. Activity on uneven surfaces, such as when climbing hills or mountains, have a sizeable risk of sprains. To minimize the risk, it is recommended to use boots to protect ankles are prone to injury.As mentioned above, sprains can heal by itself. But if the sore foot does not heal within two or three days, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately. Especially if pain or swelling gets worse, there is an open wound, there are signs of infection, and you can not stand at all.
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