Chromopathy-Causes of Disease
According to Chromopathy, diseases are born because of imbalances in the colour-power of the body. Ayurveda accepts that most of the diseases are born because of gas, bile and phlegm. In this system, wind is given yellow colour, bile is red and pelgm is blue. A mixture of gas and bile would be orange, that gas-cough will be green and a mixture of bile and cough will be brinjal in colour. Ayurvedic treatment proceeds on the basis of recognizing the colour and ascertaining their excess or shortage.
The modern scientists accepts that the different parts of the body are made of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen mixed in different proportions. Hydrogen contains blue, sky colour and dark colour rays. Carbon has yellow, orange, yellowish-green, brinjal colour with bluish tinge, and blue rays. Rays of all colours are found in oxygen.

Yoga shastra tells us of the presence of six minute chakras in our body. Muladhar chakra is located between the reproductive organs and anus. It is shaped like a four leaf lotus flower and its colour is supposed to be red. Swadhisthan chakra is located above Muladhar and is like six-leaved lotus flower. Its colour is deep red or scarlet. Manipur Chakra is above last one. It is located at the base at the base of the navel. This chakra is above Manipur Chakra. It is shaped like a twelve petalled lotus and the petals are red like vermillion. The throat houses the Vishudhha-Chakra. Its colour is like vermilion .The throat houses the Vishudhha-Chakra. Its colour is like that of smoke and it has sixteen petals. Agya chakra is located in the forehead between the eyes. It is white and has only two petals.
According to the scientists, these Chakras ae so minute that no microscope is capable of seeing them. Amongst them Manipur-Chakra has been named as solar plexus. It is supposed that all the diseases of the stomach are either controlled by this chakras or caused by it. This chakras is the basis of all diseases like constipation, acidity, dysentery, gas, indigestion, lack of appetite, ailments of intestines and anus etc. This chakra also distribute the rays of sun to the entire body.
The physician practicing Chromopathy suppose that if yellow rays are directed towards the body, it cures ailments of the stomach. There is an increase in appetite, digestion is better and constipation is cured. It is also efficacious in low blood pressure. The dryness of the throat is removed and the colour of the skin resumes normal colour. Apart from those, one gets relief in body pains, sleepiness and disorders of urinary tract.
If there is shortage of red colour in the body, it results in constipation. One does not like to eat. The whole body is listless. One feels sleepy all the time. The colour of urine and stool becomes different. Sometimes the colour of nails, skin and eyes undergo a change.
Dysentery is due to lack of blue colour. One feels pain while urinating. Eye ailments, fever, headache, peevishness, and high blood pressure, jaundice and blood disorders are some of the other ailments caused by shortage of blue colour.
Constipation increases when the brinjal colour Is short in the body. Slight fever, daily headache, laziness and acidity are some other symptoms of this shortage.
The diseases that are caused by lack of green colour are the same as caused by shortage of yellow and blue colours. This colour is supposed to be reason for conditions like uneasiness, vomiting and general weakness.
If the sky blue colour is less in the body, then the diseases like dysentery, yellow colour of the urine, early stages of jaundice, excessive perspiration with odour, eye troubles, cholera may affect the person. The person does not have the capacity to resist these diseases.
Mental Diseases, paralyses and delirium are supposed to be direct result of lack of white colour.
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