The old Sanskrit saying that poison is the remedy for poison has been proved correct to certain extent. Researches are now going on this direction. Though this research is still in a nascent stage, it can be said that this method of treatment has wide possibilities in the future.

You must have observed that the symbol of modern medicine is a snake entwined round a bunch of a tree. There is an old Sanskrit saying that "vishasya vishaushdham". It means that the remedy for poison is poison itself. In the ancient system of ‘hikmat’ (Greek system of treatment), it is asserted that poison kills poison. It shows that it is universally accepted that one be treated by poison.it can be treatment of snake bite, or toxic substances that collect in the body for various reasons or the effect of venomous diseases. Till now, this system of treatment could not be given a proper name. Nobody wanted to take the responsibility regarding the effect of this treatment on the human body. The scientist in Britain, Burma, japan and America have done extensive research on this method. It is still not decided if it should called Snake-therapy or poison-therapy.
Poison therapy has been found to be highly effective in Migraine, leprosy, rheumatism and sclerosis. The poison is extracted from many species of snakes. Experiment are done on these poisons. The poison is species of snake. Experiment are done on these poisons. The poison is analyzed and their composition is studied in the laboratories. The effort is on to formulate medicines from snake poison. Some of them are being tested on monkeys, rats and rabbits.

The experiment to make an effective antidote for snake bite from substances extracted out of poison is still to reach final stage. It is now understand as to how the poison spreads rapidly in the human body after one is bitten by a poisonous snake. Efforts are now a foot to prepare an anti-venom serum that also spreads into the body as rapidly to counter the effect of snake venom. This research has been going on for 5-7 years. In many countries of Asia and Europe, patent medicines like Ancord, Arvin and Reptillase are being widely used in cases of blood disorders. America has not allowed the use of these medicines so far. Dr. Victor Pollock of Cincinnati University in America has successfully used Ancord in many chronic diseases of the kidneys. He is now engaged in experimenting with poison-therapy is still in its experimental stage, though it has the capacity to be successful in the future.
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