Unani System of Treatment
Unani System of Treatment

The Unani system of treatment came into vogue some hundred years before Christ. It came into existence much after the Ayurveda, system, but outpaced it in development and expansion. Many religious groups and therapies have helped it to grow, and at one time it was accepted as the most reliable and developed method of treatment in the civilized world. It is also believed that the birth of the Unani system of therapy is inter-related to the ancient Indian system Ayurveda.
The Unani or Tibb system of therapy has developed out of the ancient Greek system of treatment. It can be described as a revised and regenerated edition of the Greek system. The important part has been played by many in the development and enrichment of the Greek system. Christians, Muslims, Jews and Hindus contributed to it. The physicians of Iran, Syria, Arab countries, Mesopotamia and India have been played an important part in its development. When Prophet Mohammad and later the Caliphs expanded their empire, Jundishahpur on the border of Persia was a renowned center of Greek learning and medicine. People from all over the civilized world and belonging to different and medicine. People from all over the civilized world and belonging to different religions went there to learn the Unani system of therapy. When Caliphs conquered this part of the world they saw to it that the city of Jundishahpur was not harmed or destroyed.
As a matter of fact, they called upon the services of physicians from that place at the time of emergency. Later, Khalipha Harun Rashid and his successor Khalifa Al Mamum got the Greek books on medicines translated into Arabic. Big hospitals and schools of medicine were opened throughout the Arab empire. The most eminent learned man of that game was Al Rizvi. He wrote the famous book ‘Al Hawi’ in which he has given the gist of various therapies prevalent at that time as also his experiences of life. This book was published in Latin and Arabic after his death. It was later on translated into other languages. It was for the first time that we find scientific details and analysis of chicken pox in this book.

During this period, another physician Ibne Senna wrote a book Al Qanoon’ in which he has given exhaustive details of the principles of medicine. This book is still considered as an authoritative text on Unani therapy and Hikmat. Thirteen centuries after Christ, Al-Nafis earned an enviable reputation in the field of medicine and treatment of diseases. But, he got recognition only in 1920-30 when his work was correctly appraised.
During the Sultanate period, India became a big centre of the Unani system of treatment. Many experts of this system lived in Delhi at the time of the reign of Alauddin Khilji. Mention can be made of such stalwarts like Badruddin, Sadaruddin, Mahchandra, Janbaksh (who was affectionately called ‘uncle’) and Khan Alimuddin. During the reign of Muhammad Tughlaq, for the first time in the history, the state arranged for health services. Some 70 hospitals were started and run by the rulers in or near Delhi. 1200 hakims were appointed and paid by the government treasury for treating the people. Ferozshah Tughlaq was himself a very capable physician who wrote a book ‘Tibba Ferozeshahi’. This book was distributed in thousands in hand written form. Miam Bhova wrote ‘Madanulshifa Sikandarshashi’ in the time of Sikandar Lodi. In this book, he has made the detailed analysis of Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine and has given details of their as well combined effect on various diseases. He also advised in this book that the names of medicines should be in simple Hindi so that the Unani system becomes more popular and successful. During the sultanate period, many teaching centres of this system were opened in different parts of the country like Kashmir, Oudh and Gujarat. The Brahmani sultans I Deccan India also adopted this system of medicine. After the disintegration of Bahmani patronage for nearly 200 years. Hospitals named as ‘Darul-Shafa’ were opened at different places. These were public hospitals. During this period, Mir Momin and Hakimul-mulk Nizamuddin Ahmad Jilani wrote many books on different aspects of the Unani system of medicine.

Muhammad Kasim Farishta who lived during the Adilshahi rule in Bijapur has mentioned in his book ‘Dasturulatiba’ that in the prevalent atmosphere in India, Unani Physician can only successfully treat diseases only with the help of Ayurveda. He also asserted that the climate of the country was an important factor and contributes a lot in making a therapy successful or render it a failure.
During the reign of Babar, the Unani system of medicine enjoyed royal patronage. This patronage continued during the entire Mughal period. Many physicians were invited from Persia and appointed to treat people on regular wages. During reign of Akbar, 29 hakims were appointed as specialist of different diseases. Some renowned physicians of the time were Hakim Ali Jilani, Hakim Abulfatah JIlani, Ainulmulk, Hakim Shamsuddin Ali Shiraji, Hakim Human, Hakimulmulk Jilani, Hakim Mahadeo, Hakim Bhim Datt and Hakim Naraindatt.
When Jahangir ascended the throne of Delhi, he issued many firmans, one of which was regarding the arrangements made for the treatment, of the public at state expense. Hakim Ruhullah and hakim Amanullah were two renowned physicians of his time. There are many references in Jahangir’s autobiography ‘Tuzuke Jahangir’, which show his interest in medicine.
Emperor Shah Jahan built a huge hospital in Delhi in which there were arrangements for serious patients to stay. This hospital was near Jama Masjid in which the renowned physician of the time, Hakim Masihuzama Nuruddin Muhammad Abdulla Shiraji, attended the patients as well as taught the students regarding diagnosis and treatment of patients.
Aurangzeb also gave due to importance to the public good. He asked his amirs to build hospitals and serais for the poor population from their income. Many books regarding the unani system of treatment were written during the reign of Aurangzeb. The most renowned Hakim of his time was Muhammad Akbar Arzani. The development of medical facilities continued even after the death of Emperor Aurangzeb and during the disintegration of Mughal Empire in India. During this period, Masihulmulk hakim Ajmal Khan was born to the famous family of Hakim Muhammad Shariff. The English rulers did not have any faith in this system of treatment. As such, this system could regain its lost position only after India regained freedom. Like Ayurveda, Unani and Tibbi system has also transformed itself into a modern system.
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