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What Is Cell Therapy

An astounding new therapy is now continuously engaged in research and experiments. This therapy may bring some ray of hope against the aging process, and for that matter, may succeed death itself by regenerating old and damaged cells.

Stem Cell Therapy

Our body is built of cells as a house is constructed of bricks. These cells are the foundation and important part of our body. It was only in 1865, that the famous German scientist, Rudolph Wirchov, discovered that cells are the first to be affected by any disease that invades the human body. Rodulph Wirchov, who make this sensational discovery, believed that diseases could be successfully tackled by removing the imbalances in the cells.

Many other scientist and physicians did research on this project. The first ray of hope was seen in an experiment conducted by professor Paul Niehans. He was able to cure some ailments in 1931, which were miracles in themselves. Neihans was able to regenerate some damaged parts of the body by this method that they were as good as new. In one case, he cured 40-year-old women, whose parathyroid gland had been damaged. He injected a solution of the parathyroid gland of a newborn calf near her neck and she completely recovered. Neihans held by injecting into them a solution of fresh cells.

Many more results of these exhaustive experiments in cell therapy came to light between 1958 and 1960. It was found that the weak cells of the skin became healthy during an experiment conducted on a medicine known as Gerovital H3 which is used in the treatment of Arthritis. Later, scientists challenged this claim of Professor Anna Aslon who did this research. They were able to prove by 63 experiments conducted by them that this does not happen in all cases.

stem cell therapy for brain

In 1960, Neil Lyall was able to make a new substance by mixing pollen with honey. It was called Pollen-B. This new substance was supposed to be quite effective in nourishing cells. Many such substances were also discovered in America, but their details have been kept a secret. Researchers are being conducted in the Soviet Union, Germany, Britain and Japan in this field. Many types of research have been successful in curing injured, weak or lifeless parts of the body due to cancer or paralysis, by injecting in them a solution of fresh cells obtained from the bodies of aborted children. But these experiments have not yet reached a final stage when they could be considered absolutely safe and effective for human beings.

Till now, it was accepted that the brain could not be transplanted to heart or other parts of the body. But, now information has been received that 17 cases out of 26 have been successful in this respect. The solution of the cells of the brain of aborted children was administered to the injured part of the brain of these patients and they were cured.

It is now being accepted that in the near future, cell therapy would be treated as an independent method of treatment. If it succeeds in its attempts, then it will be possible to tackle the phenomenon of decadence in old age and even death.

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