Naturopathy and its Treatment
In Naturopathy, it is believed that most of the diseases are caused due to infringement of laws of nature. This may be in the area of food, rest, working methods, breathing, sleeping or any such activity. According to Lindelhar,"To be sick need not cause anxiety, sickness is evidence that nature is fighting the disease.

Actual worry should be when one does not get cured. If the symptoms of one disease are suppressed be some method, it means that you are inviting another disease. It is possible that virulent form. Actually, old disease is nourished like this. In other methods of treatment, only symptoms of the disease are finished and not the disease. You do not either see or feel it. Most of the diseases are only nature’s way of bringing out the toxic elements of the body, as is the case, in diseases like boils, cold, cough, and fever and pus formation. A physician has only to aid the body in its fight against disease”.
The first postulate of naturopathy is that germs are not so much responsible for the diseases as the condition of the body which causes diseases to take over. The seeds of diseases, need only uncleanliness of the body and carelessness, to grow inside the body. Father Kuhne once wrote, “On this basis, the first principle of treatment is that the body itself is its own doctor which can fight any disease and gain control over it. Our attempt should be the only aid and help this doctor.”
Naturopathy attempts to bring out the toxic elements
of the body so that the sick parts regain normality. In other words, it is like providing arms and armor to a person who is fighting a powerful adversary without any arms. In this system of therapy, while on one side, the body system of the patient is set right and his body, respiratory organs, stomach and digestive system, glands, nerves and brain are brought to the normal state. On the other side, the patient is taught to lead a natural life giving up harmful habits, mental attitudes and intemperance and indulgence in an unbalanced diet.
In his university acclaimed book, Return to Nature, Dr. Just says, “Every disease, that may be of any part or may originate in any part, finely affects the entire body. As such, if the entire body is harmed by every disease, then the treatment should also be of the entire body system”.
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