Gem Therapy
Gold, silver and ashes of gems are extensively used for the treatment of certain diseases in the Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicines. Small pearls were administered in the treatment of typhoid before the advent of chloromycetin. Precious metals and stones were supposed to be helpful in toning up the body and eradication of many ailments. The question arises, if the ashes of these precious stones are beneficial as medicines, why can’t they be directly used for treatment. Research is being done in this direction and some progress has been made in the use of these precious stones to cure ailments.

A lot of knowledge had been gathered about gem therapy even two thousand years before Christ. In the ancient Hindu scriptures like Vishnu Purana, the origin and qualities of gems had been extensively discussed. We find a detailed discussion gem regarding the qualities and effects of various precious stones in Varahmihir Samhita a well-known treatise on astrology. Basically, gem therapy has been accepted at par with Chromopathy (Suryachikitsa). The gems are formed inside the earth due to its pressure and action of the sun. Most of the gems have predetermined colours. It is accepted that these gems are a great help in removing certain deficiencies of colour and vital vitamins in the body.
84 gems are used in the treatment of diseases. Some 120 diseases are cured by their use.
These gems are diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire, topaz, cat’s eye, pearl, shell of oyster, moonga, garnet, ajuba, ahwa, avari, amalia, alemani, upal, udau, amani katela, kudrat, kasauti, kahruwa, kansla, kurand, gauri, gudri, gaudanta, chakmak, chitti, zabarjad, jajemani, zarahat, jahar mohra, jharna, doortedi, tamrha, tiliar, turmali, tursava, darchana, dane farang, dure naifa, dantla, dhunela, naram pandhan, pittonia, paras, fatejaddar, phiroza, phitak, baansi, berooj, margaj, margaj, makri, mariam, marble,moosa, muve najaf, yashav, raatartuva, lalrhi, lajvart, ludhia, laas, basari, sangsatira, sulaimani, sangejrahat, sunehla, sindooriya, siwar, sinjri, sangia, sisri, sifri, sonmakhi, surma, seengli,isfatik, haqeek, hadeed, and hazratever.
A good gem therapist is generally a good chromopathy and is well versed in two other therapies. A gem therapist will find out which colour is deficient in which part of the body by any method at his disposal and diagnoses the disease.
Even colours of sun’s rays have a different effect on human body. The following colours are basically supposed to be responsible for health. They are brinjal, dark blue, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. The deficiency of any of these colours affects that part of the human body that is controlled by that colour. For example, deficiency of red rays causes blood disorders, fever, inflammable, body weakness, an absence of agility and laziness. As such gems that are controlled by Sun and Mars-like ruby and coral are used.
Ruby is found beneficial in many diseases. Its ash can cure all types of injuries. Ash of one carat of ruby provides certain relief in blood dysentery. Ash of ruby is also taken to improve memory and power of the brain. In this case, it is taken mixed with ghee made from cow’s milk. Ruby is worn as a ring on the finger to cure impotency. Jaundice can also be warded off if ring made of ruby is worn. For curing many types of stomach ailments, ruby is kept immersed in water for some time, and then that water is taken. It is useful to wear ruby as well as eat its ash with leaves of peepal tree in the early stages of cancer. This tree is supposed to have medicinal properties.
If there is an excess of red colour in the body, ruby can be harmful. In such cases, ruby is taken off. The patient is treated with other gems. Many diseases are caused by this excess of red colour in the body. Amongst them, blisters on the body, ulcers in the stomach, freckles, heat-stroke, and excessive heat, many types of eye ailments, sleeplessness, headache, and blood disorders can be mentioned. Gems that absorb cold waves are used as a preventive against these diseases. According to astrology, gems have to be used to prevent many diseases that are caused due to the annoyance of planets to propitiate them.
Pearl is a gem that absorbs cold rays. Many diseases are cured with its help. Different types of pearls are used for different ailments. A hot-tempered person can be calmed down by giving him ash of pearl in honey. This is also administered to cure lunacy. A string of pearls is beneficial in stomach ailments. The pearls are never purchased before or after a lunar eclipse.
Moonga stone acts a sort of cover vessel for twenty days. If this water is taken every day in the morning, piles are cured. Care should be taken that the stone that the stone does not any blemish. Otherwise, it may cause harm. Astrologers decide regarding the type of moonga which can be used from amongst its many it's many varieties.
Emerald is influenced by the planet Mercury. Emerald destroys the poison and toxic matters of the body. It is widely used for treating gas troubles, madness, rheumatism, migraine and stammering.
Topaz is the gem associated with the planet Jupiter. It is used in diseases like the pain in bones, whooping cough, piles, jaundice, fever, spleen troubles, kidney ailments, pneumonia and diseases of the lungs.
Diamond is influenced by the planet Shukra. It is useful in venereal diseases, general weakness, and diseases of the mouth and stomach.
The gem associated with the planet Saturn is Sapphire. It is said to be beneficial in cases of madness, paralysis, hysteria, and cough, pain in joints, blood disorders and cancer.
Garnet is the gem used in diseases like stones. It is useful if worn in the initial stages of the disease. This gem is connected with Rahu. In all troubles of stomach and stones, different types of garnet are used in a different manner.
If a person is affected by Ketu, cat’s eye relief. In the absence of rays connected with Ketu cat’s eye provides cold comfort. Cat’s eye is used in the treatment of weak memory, lunacy, and pus formation in boils due to rheumatism.
The homoeopathic doctors have developed a new method of treatment, utilising the knowledge gems. It is called Gemeopathy. The medicines are prepared with the help of gems. Gemeopathy has no adverse effect on diseases and patients. In this method the gems are kept immersed in 30 millilitres of rectified spirit is poured on the globules have to and kept in air tight bottles. The physician determines as to how these globules have to be taken. Sometimes many gems are used together in preparation of medicines. The gems are then kept apart after being cleaned. This method is not much in use. It is still being developed by research.
The scientific researchers have proved that there are invisible rays and currents in the precious gems. They influence many substances and also have an effect on human body.
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