In the fast developing field of curative medicines, Osteopathy is fast taking its rightful place as a dependable method of curing ailments of the bones and muscles.There are certain diseases that can hardly be treated by any other therapy.For these ailments of bones and muscles, most of the other method have nothing to expect sleeping pills or pain killing drugs that give only temporary relief.There is no permanent cure for them.It is only Osteopathy that roots out these pains in the bones and muscles.That is why it is now looked upon as a very successful therapy for all those aches and pains of the bones and muscles that defy all other therapies.

In the Ayurvedic and Unani systems of treatment, it is supposed that the pains in the joints and muscles are caused due to an imbalance in wind.These ailments can only be right by proper exercises.According to Charak Samhita, all the pains and aches associated with bones are directly related to the postures that we adopt in lying sitting, working and walking.In another word, these pains and aches result due to our wrong postures.As such,these can only be treated by sleeping on a hard bed and doing proper yogic exercises.
Dr Andrew Tailer Still of America discovered a new method of treating these ailments related to bones and muscles during 1864-1876.He found out ways to successfully treat seventy-five chronic diseases of bones and muscles.His methods and treatment are now accepted by most of the countries.Protagonists of all other therapies are now using his methods in one form or the other in treating diseases pertaining to joints, muscles and bones.
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