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Chromopathy - Introduction

Our ancient sages must have been fully aware of the properties of sun rays when they devised ‘Surya Namaskar’ as a way of prayer in the early morning. They must have been aware of the manifold advantages of this way of prayer to the Sun God. Firstly, it would provide in much needed sun-bath to the body. Secondly, it provided exercise to the body and thirdly it was a prayer for elevating your soul.

Practically every religion has laid stress on this ancient method of treatment by Chromopathy. Some experts are of the opinion that Chromopathy will be the most used method for treatment of diseases in future, as this form of treatment strengthens the resistance of the body against disease.

Rigveda clearly states in its slokas 1/50/10/11 that the sun eradicates all diseases of the heart and skin. As regards, other diseases it can root them out before they take hold of a person. Those who have made studies in the matter, know that this first among vedas was written some five thousand years ago. This means that Chromopathy that is mentioned in this book is the oldest organized method of treatment.

There is a reference in Mahabharat that Krishna’s son Samba was born with certain diseases which are eventually cured by Chromopathy. The efficacy of this method of treatment has been accepted in many puranas as well as Ayurveda. That makes it clear that it is an old system of treatment highly spoken of in the ancient scriptures.

Sun-bath has always had an important place in the lives of western races. It is indeed a veritable craze amongst these people to lie in the sun for giving a tan to their skin. Modern research has proved beyond doubt that rays of the sun contain certain qualities that increases the resistance of the body against diseases. Most of the research regarding Chromopathy has been conducted in western countries. There the scientists now accept that diseases like cold, cough, pneumonia, leprosy, tuberculosis, skin diseases and blood disorders can be successfully cured by Chromopathy.

According to Dr. Gorden Roney, an expert in Chromopathy, the other systems of treatment attack the bacillus of the disease, but at the same time, finish off the helpful bacteria. In Chromopathy, the body itself is converted into its own defender to face and fight the diseases and protect itself.

Dr. Hans, the founder of modern Chromopathy, has said, “The entire nature depends upon sun. This earth and all its inhabitants, animals, Plants and trees depend on sun for their lives. All substances and even weather are dependent on it. Most of our food is a gift of the sun. This clearly shows that for purposes of health, all other therapies are redundant when compared to Chromopathy.”

Dr.Massel Pomelaksa, the renowned heart specialist Of France, has written in an article, “When there are storms in the solar system, there is an increase in cases of heart-0attacks. The number of heart-attacks goes upset least four during these solar storms as compared to her number before such storms.”
Another renowned Physician, Dr. Hanz Hendrik has said, “Most of the medicines take a long time in getting absorbed by the body. On the other hand, the rays of the sun enter the body directly and are absorbed instantly. Then, you do not have to pay anything for this treatment.”

If one were to give the gist of hundreds of books and article written on this subject in a brief manner, one could say that sun is the source of health and life. Sun is the medicine and the power behind it. Disease is nothing but the lack of sun and use of rays of sun in a balanced manner is its treatment.
In theirs research manual ‘Advances in Food Research’, prof. George Steward and Dr. E.M. Rock have written, “All the Vitamins in the plants and vegetables are created by the rays of sun. The plants that we use as medicines in some case, derive their medicinal qualities from sun itself. “

According to ‘British Encyclopedia of Medical Practice’, Vitamin D is formed when the rays of the sun touch our skin. The body then develops resistance power to fight contagious diseases. Sun Bath is very essential for agility of muscles, strength of the nervous system, solidify of bones, good condition of teeth and gums and for getting rid of all types of allergy.

Expert radio therapist accept that if the patient lies down naked in sunshine during primary stages of cancer, he is sure to benefit from it. The rays of the sun prevent new cancer cells from forming and destroy the ones already formed.

Dr. Albrecht Solay, who is an expert in treatment of venereal diseases has said, “As the power to resist and fight the disease is increased by rays of sun, it can be presumed that the rays of the sun would be very effective in the primary stages of these diseases. But, usually it seen that the bewildered patients go the doctor (that too hesitantly) when it is very late.”

The specialists in nuclear medicines have given a scientific name -----Chromopathy---- to the treatment by sun rays.

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