Acopressure Diagnosis
Acopressure Diagnosis

In this system of treatment the body is supposed to be a sort of eletrical system.Life electricity flows through the entire human body with the blopd in the form of life force.A person is supposed to be sick when the flow of this life force increases or decreases.This electrical force flows through every part of the body with the same pressure and velocity.If the flow is obstructed that part of the human body becomes lifeless as in the case of paralysis.The flow is equal in five parts of the body on the right and left side.This flow can be controlled by points located in the hands and legs on both sides of the body.These points control different parts of the body.The entire human body has some 900 such points.

The acupressure physician first finds out from the patient his ailment.He then ascertains the points that would help him finding the causes of disease.This he does by touching or pressing some points and notes down the result of his investigation.If the patient feels pain on presssing some points,the physian is able to know that the related parts of the body are affected and sick.The western specialists started calling acupressure as Reflex Therapy as it initiated the treatment after ascertaining reflexes of the patient on touching or pressing acupressure points.As it is,the accepted name for science that determines the diseases by analying reflexes is Reflexology.
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