Acupressure Treatment

The Acupressure treatment is done by pressing the affected points in this therapy.pressure is put by different methods on specific points on the palms and soles of the patient.There is no need to adopt special postures for putting pressure.This treatment can be given in any position.It has been seen that in the beginning the disease or pain may increase after the treatment, but eventually the disease is rooted out.Sometimes, in a case of chronic and long standing diseases, this method has no beneficial effect.An experienced physician then does not prolong the treatment for he knows that there is no use of proceeding with it any further.The extraordinary thing about this therapy is that the disease or condition of the patient does not deteriorate by adopting this therapy.Even in the case where acupressure is generally not used, to treat certain diseases, if this method is used there are signs of improvement in initial stages.But, soon the patient reverts to his old condition.This is an indication that disease is beyond the capacity of acupressure and further treatment should be stopped.
The treatment can be started at any time.The only restriction is that it should not be given soon after the patient has eaten.In this method, the energy of the body becomes active all over again.All the glands recover their original position.The diseases can be identified and controlled before it becomes chronic.The treatment is usually for five minutes.In some cases, it may be given for ten minutes.It is incumbent that treatment is taken as soon as the diseases take hold of you.
In certain cases, the physician takes help of Hydropathy and ayurvedic medicines to expedite the treatment.It has been observed that the above things help in the patient speedily.
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