Immunopathy-Method of Treatment

At the present time, the patient is connected to a special machine for nearly four hours for extracting white cells from the blood. This machine costs thirty thousand dollars. This process may take even many days. It depends on the number of white blood cells in the blood of the patient as also the extent to which the disease has spread itself.
After extracting the white cells, they are kept with Interlukin-2 for four days. Then these cells are converted into Lymphokine- Activated Killer Cells. Then these LAK cells are injected into the blood stream of the patient with equal measure of Interlukin-2. The LAK cells then grow and develop of their own accord.
One has to stay for a month in the National Cancer Institute of America for the full course of treatment. Arrangements for treating eight patients at a time exist in this institute. There are some side effects of this treatment. The patient may feel itchy, or get fever and cold. There may be shivering or he may feel worried. But, this is certain that the patient’s weight, appetite and health starts improving in the first week itself.
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