Magnetic Therapy

Magnus, who was a shepherd, discovered a rock which attracted iron sometime about 2,500 years before christ. Iron struct to that rock if it was brought close to it.
The world took cognizance of this fact when the famous scientist PARACELSUS mentioned about the treatment of inflammation, bowel disorders and other such diseases with the help of magnet during the period 1493 to 1541.
MICHAEL FARADAY discovered Bio-Magnetism during the period 1791-1867 act, to which every living organism is affected by magnetism and that human cells have a magnetic field of their own.

Everything on earth is affected by magnetic imbalance in nature this magnetic imbalance also affects bioelectricity flowing through our body. Firstly, it is certain, as to when, where and how the magnetic imbalance has affected the patient.It is also seen how much and to which limit the patient is affected by it.After this diagnosis, the doctor gives him treatment in a phased manner to eradicate the symptoms of a disease.
For this magnet and magnetic medicines are prescribed and given. Naturally, each disease is treated in a different manner.
Method of treatment

There are two poles of a magnet, each pole of a magnet has different qualities. Precautions are taken to ascertain which pole adversely affects the disease, then another end or pole is used. This treatment is being given to even cancer patients. But difficulties are being faced as every human being has a different treatment is required for every individual.
Magneto therapy can be successfully used in 230 types of ailments. This treatment is very effective in the treatment of bones.

The north pole end of the magnet is used in treatment of rheumatism, pain in joints, hemorrhage, wounds, cancer in early stages of eye ailments, fracture, burns, cold, constipation, ear troubles, goiter, blood pressure, some contagious disease, kidney disease, liver, ailments of shoulders, spinal chord , sprain and swelling, diseases of the gums, toothache and many stomach ailments.
The south pole end of the magnet is used in curing diseases like, pains of all types, digestive and gastric ailments ailments, diseases of the hair like falling hair, dandruff, discharge from hair roots, heart attacks, weak heart, diseases of the pulse, headache, weak muscles, dizziness,vomiting and pain in ankle.It provides relief in all diseases.
Magnetic Water
It is an established fact that water imbibes the qualities of the utensil in which it is kept.In Sun Therapy, water is turned into medicine by use of rays the sun.Influenced by this theory, the Magneto Therapists prepare magnetic of different power.
More than 700 experiments have been conducted in the Soviet Union on this point.It was found that the resistance of the body increased with the use of magnetic water and treatment of many diseases became easier.This water has a miraculous effect on the collisions of the cells in human body.Magnetic water is very effective in the digestive system, circulation, stomach ailments and diseases related to disorders of blood and brain.It is also beneficial in increasing the appetite, reducing hyperacidity and bile in the body.The Russian doctors have successfully used magnetic water in treating diseases of kidneys, arteries, blood circulation, urinary troubles, stones in the gallbladder, kidneys and bladder.
This magnetic water has proved to be most efficacious in treating people suffering from fever, virus infection, malaria,asthma and diseases relating to lungs.General body weakness and weak memory have also been treated by this method and good and miraculous results have been obtained.
Milk is also being substituted in many places for magnetic water.New researches are being conducted in this direction and good progress has been made.Magneto Therapy is now occupying an important place in the treatment of many diseases due to constant researches and improvements being introduced in this system.
It is an established fact that water imbibes the qualities of the utensil in which it is kept.In Sun Therapy, water is turned into medicine by use of rays the sun.Influenced by this theory, the Magneto Therapists prepare magnetic of different power.

More than 700 experiments have been conducted in the Soviet Union on this point.It was found that the resistance of the body increased with the use of magnetic water and treatment of many diseases became easier.This water has a miraculous effect on the collisions of the cells in human body.Magnetic water is very effective in the digestive system, circulation, stomach ailments and diseases related to disorders of blood and brain.It is also beneficial in increasing the appetite, reducing hyperacidity and bile in the body.The Russian doctors have successfully used magnetic water in treating diseases of kidneys, arteries, blood circulation, urinary troubles, stones in the gallbladder, kidneys and bladder.
This magnetic water has proved to be most efficacious in treating people suffering from fever, virus infection, malaria,asthma and diseases relating to lungs.General body weakness and weak memory have also been treated by this method and good and miraculous results have been obtained.
Milk is also being substituted in many places for magnetic water.New researches are being conducted in this direction and good progress has been made.Magneto Therapy is now occupying an important place in the treatment of many diseases due to constant researches and improvements being introduced in this system.
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