Electro-Convulsive Therapy
Electro-Conclusive Therapy
It was by sheer coincidence that it was learnt that many diseases can be treated by electric shocks. Though it was an accident, this incident opened up a new path for treating people. Since then, much progress has been done in this direction and china has paid most attention to this method of therapy was shrouded in mystery, but it is now being used extensively in treating mental diseases.

From this immemorial human beings had mortal fear for lightening. One can envisage the time when lightening accompanied by thunder sent them scurrying for cover. But, now it is accepted that electricity has proved to be a boon for mankind in many matters. Dr. Penfield, an American doctor believed that human body itself is a small power station and as such electric shocks on special occasions and for specific purposes can prove to be beneficial inmany cases. An accident occurred at the Neurological Institute at Montreal in America while operating on the brain of a women in 1952-53. Dr. Penfield wanted to give her an electric shock at a particular palce.By mistake the electric wire touched some other part of her brain. Immediately, the women started speaking incoherently like a child. Later, the women was questioned about it and she disclosed that she suddenly remembered an incident of her childhood. This meant that a light electric shock can rekindle memory stored in some parts of the brain. Research is being done in the entire world to further knowledge gained from this experiment. Light electric shocks administered at mental asylums for treating mental sickness have now become common- place. This method is widely used.Apart from it, electric shocks are now given to re-activate the heart.
According to ancient Chinese medical books the life force that is called 'CHI' flows incessantly in the human body.Our yogis called it 'PRAN'.Disease overpower you only when flow of life force or energ is obstructed.The japanese scientists have proved by their researches that in certain Yogic exercises the exercises the electric force of the body increases. The energy of the body gets converted into electrical energy. It is accepted that energy never goes to waste but it is converted into electrical energy. It is accepted that energy never goes to waste but it is converted into another form of energy.
As such, any form of energy given to human body can convert itself into mind force and as Dr. Penfield discovered discovered, the electrical energy also gets converted into other forms of energy in the body. A lot of research is now being conducted on this subject.
In the government Health Research Centre in Shanghai in china, about 100,000 patients have been successfully cured of different diseases by being administered electric shocks ranging fron one volt to 2,000 volts. The Head of this Institute, Dr. Xie Ding Ziaxin has been able to cure about 43 types of ailments by this method his research of 12 years.
Diagnosis of the Diseases

The electric current is introduced or flown through the healthy part to ascertain the extent of the disease as also how it came about. The diseases is then classified according to this knowledge. The old history and full details regarding the ailment is kept. The treatment starts only after complete examination of the patient.
The voltage of electricity in this treatment is so controlled that patient may not feel any shock. It should not be excessive as it may cause death. The chair on which the patient is seated is non conductor of electricity. The current is so administered that it passes through all the parts of the body, specially the effected parts. The patient's body is covered by rubber sheets or sheets of other material that is non-conductor. The electricity force is increased gradually and is seen that the patient does not get more than one or two shocks at a time. This treatment has been found very efficacious in treatment of blood circulation problems, and diseases pertaining to heart and brain. It has been quite sucessfully used to treat these ailments.
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