Touch and Spiritual Healing
There are innumerable instances of people getting cured of their ailments by a mere touch. Many saints and divine persons in Hindu, Muslim and Christian religions are supposed to have endowed with such miraculous powers. Christ is said to have cured many persons by this method. The Hindu Avtars, ancient rishis and saints did it and so did many Muslims saints. Thousands gather at the Samadhi or Mazars of these saints for getting cured by their divine grace. How did these miracles happen? The scientists are baffled by them. Many times, the patient even does not see the spiritual healer and he gets cured.
Lord Rama stepped forward. He touched the stone with his right foot and the stone slab became Ahilya. She had been lying there for so many years due to a curse of a rishi hoping for redemption from a touch of Bhagwan Rama’s feet.
Lord Krishna had come to Mathura at the invitation of his maternal uncle Kans. On the way, he met a woman who was a hunchback called Kubja. She pleaded with Krishna to cure her of her ailment. Krishna said, ‘’Do not worry, it shall be done.’’ He placed his two fingers under her chin and raised her face. Kubja had been cured of her crooked back.
It is not that such miracles are confined to Rama and Krishna who are worshipped as the incarnation of God amongst Hindus. There are many instances of such miracles in all the religions of the world. Bible contains many instances when Christ cured many people by mere touch. Many have benefited by worshipping at the dargah, tombs of Muslim saints. Akbar is supposed to have gone on foot to Ajmer to pray at the dargah to thank the saint entombed there for granting him a son. It is said that the mere touch is miraculously cured of their ailments.
It is not true that only great saints and souls had only this power to cure people with a touch. With the development of inner power, many doctors are now using this method to treat people. Harry Edwards first started to use this method for treating people in 1944. New directions were provided to this therapy by a woman physician in New York, Dr Dolores Kreiger, in 1971.

During 1941-42, Harry Edwards used to contact spirits as a hobby with his doctor and philosopher friends. He took the help of these spirits in alleviating the sufferings of people. On one such occasion, Edwards asked a spirit to tell him something about his own self of which he was not aware. The spirit told him that he can treat and cure people by his touch and he was unaware of this power in his touch. After this, two more spirits advised Edwards to use his power of healing by touch. The spirit also told him in this work. Edwards was suitably impressed. He tested his power on some patients in 1943 and found that he did have the power to cure by touching the patient. In 1944, he opened a spiritual healing centre in Surrey in England and named it ’The Harry Edwards’ Spiritual Healing Sanctuary.
Two associate doctors of Edwards helped him in this work. They were Ray Branch and Mrs Joan Branch. The method was not very simple. Harry used to catch hold of his patient with both his hands. The patient thought about his disease after placing his hands in the hands of Edwards. Edwards could immediately sense the patient’s ailment. He would then invoke the help of the souls and spirits of all good people and dead doctors, in curing the patient.
It could not be found till 1971 as to how people got cured by this touch therapy. The help of dead doctors and good spirits had been invoked earlier but these attempts did not succeed. During this time a nurse named sister Justa Smith did some research at the New York University regarding the effect of touch on Dipsin enzyme secreted by Pancreas gland in the human body. It was found that if the experimenter wished that the effect of Dipsin enzyme could be increased by touch. A professor of that university, Dr Dolores Krieger, was encouraged by this experiment and she tried touch-therapy on nineteen persons at the Medical Research Centre in Massachusetts. Amongst them ten were sick. It was proved by extensive research that all internal secretion including red blood corpuscles is affected by touch. In the end, these experiments were done on veins and arteries.
In 1973, it was eventually asserted that the sick parts can be cured by the force of ‘chetna’ as the healthy and alert energy (life force or ‘chetna’) have more energy than the weak or sick energy than the weak or sick energy of the patient.
Diagnosis of the Disease
The touch-therapists hold that most of the diseases are in the mind. The external symptoms of the disease are only its signs and representation. It is common knowledge that healthy persons carry germs of diseases in their body but do not fall sick. It is so as the resistance of the body or ‘chetna’ is able to ward off the disease. If this ‘chetna’ or life force is increased by external energy, then a patient gets well and can fight the disease.
The modern Spiritual-therapist has, at least, one sitting every day with his friendly or helping spirits. This is called intercession. The spirits of dead doctors and friendly souls are respectfully invited to these settings. They are then informed about the patient. If the patient is present, the patient is touched and with the help of good spirits during the intercession, his disease is ascertained. Within minutes, the ailments of the patient are revealed. Then the energy of helping souls immediately starts his treatment.
Method of Treatment
The founder of modern touch therapy, Harry Edwards, told a friend in reply to a question just one day before his death, ‘’Why do you doubt the use of invisible force in the touch therapy? You do not doubt X’ ray. You do not see the energy that is used in taking pictures of the bones. But, the picture of bones is there. You do not feel the energy of X’ ray, but it can scorch the cells inside the body or under the skin.’’
From the above it allows that to eradicate the disease powerful currents of life force are used to make the damaged or sick parts healthy and an attempt is also made to get rid of the disease itself.
A new form of touch therapy is also now taking shape which is now known as Communication Therapy.
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