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Is Often Fart Including Indigestion Symptoms?

Flatulence is the release of gas through the anus or rectum due to accumulation of gas in the stomach (especially of the large intestine or colon). Gas discharge event is also called flatus or often called flatulence. Fart usually characterized by heartburn in the stomach. Although it's uncomfortable to talk about the exhaust gas, but actually fart is part of a healthy body condition. But if you feel the smell of gas or stool frequency typically you do not like, maybe your body is trying to send you a few clues about how it functions.

Cause fart factors other than the content in the food, namely, swallowed air, eating in a hurry (especially without chewing), a soft drink, a plane (because the air pressure is lower), so that the gas in the intestines of expansion and appear as a fart. Nuts contain sugars that can not be digested. Sugar (raffinose, stachiose, verbascose) if it reaches the intestines, the bacteria in the gut immediately make a lot of gas. Corn, peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, and milk is also a cause of much flatus frequency (but not the smell).

Here are some possibilities that can be inferred from the flue gas conditions and routine day-to-day.

Eating in a hurry: If you usually eat fast, eat while chatting, chewing gum or hobby, then this habit will allow you to swallow a lot of air. Rebekah Gross, gastrointestinal specialists say, the air is composed of gas, when you take a lot of gas, you will produce more gas pula.Gas must come out somehow, and usually it is characterized by belching.

Too much consumption of dairy products: With age, your digestive organs will be more sensitive to the intake of milk and dairy products. This is because the amount of lactate enzymes used to digest the milk is reduced. If you feel uncomfortable stomach every time consuming milk, cheese, or other derivative products, it is inadequate to describe the condition of your digestive system, said Gross.

Bacteria grows excessively: Gross also said that, the bacteria will ferment the food we eat. This occurs in the large intestine, but some large intestinal bacteria can make its way to the small intestine. This is called overgrowth in the small intestine.
Then bacteria were met digested food before it's finished, and it will all be together fermented, causing gas. Gas produced in the small intestine and the colon will move down through the system and menyebebakan frequent bloating or flatulence. You may also have an imbalance of bacteria in the gut, especially if you have some kind of disease. People who suffer from Pertu flu or infections, are also often commonly kentunt.

If you have an imbalance of bacteria, the doctor will usually give some antibiotics. Reduce your intake of fermentable carbohydrates will also help. Because these foods can cause bloating and gas, to avoid these foods can help keep your digestive tract become better.

Hormone changes: When you gone through menopause or hormonal condition that results are not functioning, the body will notify the exit gas. Sports actually help digestion, as well as the consumption of probiotics.

Constipation: If lately you difficult to defecate, the effect is often exhaust gas is odorless. This occurs because the waste consists of many bacteria, so if stuck in the digestive system and disposal, fermentation going to make gas kept out. Consumption of enough water, exercise, and high-fiber foods.

The body is sensitive to gas: Some people are very sensitive to the normal amount of gas they produce. Although you may not always produce excess gas, you may experience irritation with symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and flatulence. If it is true, then perhaps you may be exposed to the risk of irritable bowel.

Celiac disease or gluten sensitive: If the body difficulty in digesting some certain foods, your body will let you know by gas. Gross said the food absorption disorders are usually associated with celiac disease or other autoimmune disorders. It occurs when the body's reaction is not good at and begin to break down gluten lining the small intestine.

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