Para-Hypno Therapy
There have been many cases which have baffled the medical fraternity. Is there any connection between our present illness and incidents in our previous life ? This brings us to the question of the controversial re-birth theory. Some 150 physians are researching on this subject in America. They have been given goverment grants for conducting this research to find if there exists such a link. If so, can the diseases born out of incidents that happened in the previous birth be treated?

Kurd Bleim of New York suffered from intriguing attacks of illness. He felt that he was being strangled. He seemed to inhale a lot of dust.The result was that his eyes popped out,and he helter and skelter like a frightened wild animal. He was thoroughly examined. His respiratory system and lungs were found to be normal. X'rays were taken and his blood,urine,spittle and stool were tested.There was no abnormality detected.The doctors were flabbergasted as his brain also functioned normally. Eventually,Bleim was taken to Centre of Para-Analytical Studies in California.There Bliem was examined by a special process by the Director of that Institute, Dr. Hemendranath Bannerji, who was of Indian origin and was settled in America. It was found out that Bliem had died in 1942 at Honolulu. He was crushed to death under the debris of a house during an attack on that city by japan. Bliem used to hear some sounds of his prevous birth and remembered some incidents of his prevous life and then felt suffocated, as he must have felt when crushed under the debris of a house in honolulu.Once, this was diagnosed, he was treated of his ailments in no time.
In the same manner, one Mrs.Rosenberg nearly went mad when she saw fire anywhere. She had never suffered any burn injuries nor there had been any such accident in her family. She had not even seen such a scene in any film that it could be constructed that she had been affected by it. She was also taken to the above Institute in Calfornia.It transpired that Mrs.Rosenberg was, in her previous life, a member of a jain family in the Etah district of Uttar Pradesh in India. She died in a fire incident. As soon as she remember her association and death by fire in the previous birth, she became restless.
You must be knowing the well story of Abhimanyu, son of Arjun the great archer, in Mahabharata. It is said that he learnt the art of breaking formations of army (chakravuh) while still in the womb of her mother. Arjun used to relate these things to his mother when she was pregnant. Lord Krishna has himself said in Bhagwadgita,"It is only the body that dies, the soul never dies."The great psychiatrist Steikel has mentioned a case which he treated. It so happened that a sailor was thrown up and died in a boiler burst in a ship. This scene was witnessed by a pregnant woman passenger.The last screams of that sailor haunted her. The child who was born to her also heard that heart piercing scream during his sleep. The case was brought to the notice of that great psychologist who was able to cure that boy.
The psycho-analysts and Para-Hypno therapists belive that some-times human being remember thins regrading thier previous life when they take birth again. In many cases these create complications.
The method of treatment is nearly the some as hypnosis. The patient is first hypnotised. Then the physian goes on a sort of journey into his past with in atrance. A team of doctors watch the patient and the physian with the help of special appliances. The dialogues between the two are recorded.The patient usually unviels his innermost is then made to listen to what he had said under hypnosis. He is made aware of the reasons of his sickness and motivated to get over the reasons. Thus he regains normality.
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